1 Verdi Street, SW 5, Vanderbijlpark
Tel: 016 971 1040 / 062 624 3233 Fax: 086 578 4847
Please mail your questions to: drqaestheticawe@gmail.com
Products / procedures available
Basics suggestion
(Every plan for every client is different. It depends what they take.)
Consultation Assessment / Bloods
Booster injections x2 Day 1 & Day 14
Daily injections for 28 days
Fat burner (60) optional One in morning and eve
Omega 3 (60) optional Two in the eve
CalMag (60) Two in the eve
CLA (60) optional Two before supper
Follow up consultation at 4 weeks
Diet booklet & plan Once off
Optional extras if problematic:
Laxicaps f constipated
Multivitamin (with Maintenance) Weight reduction formula
Detox (60) (first two weeks) If diet was very poor
Crave stop (90) If appetite not suppressed
Water retention (30) If holding back water
Slimming shakes (450g) Meal replacement
Slimming shakes (900g) Meal replacement
Client has to break cycle after 4 or 6 week, but may continue injecting with:
Lipotropic MIC 10 ml This is 6 weeks supply 1 ml / day for 5 days
1 ml / week for 5 weeks
If goal weight is reached, we inject :
Stabilize period (monthly) Refer to diet booklet
Maintenance period (3 monthly) Refer to diet booklet
Botulinum toxin: Botox ® (per unit)
Cosmetic – Consultation (Only payable if no therapy done)
Cosmetic – Per unit price cheaper than per area
Medical – Including sweating, bruxism and migraines
Dermal Fillers (per milliliter Restylane ® / Juvèderm ® filler)
Skin booster | Volite Mesotherapy with Vital
Refyne | Volbella Softens moderate laugh lines and nasolabial and marionette lines
Defyne Smooth out mild laugh lines and nasolabial and marionette lines
Volume | Voluma Maximal lift for fuller cheeks and age related mid-facial volume loss
Kysse | Volbella Augmentation, definition and protrusion of the lips
Fynesse Softens wrinkles in crow’s feet areas, tear trough, upper lip and chin areas.
Lyft | Volift Moderate cheek augmentation, age related midface contour deficiencies and deep tear trough.
Micro-Needling (Dr. pen ™ Auto Micro needle system)
Used for scarring (wounds, burns, acne) keloid, acne itself, hyperpigmentation, stimulating hair regrowth (women) and stretch marks using a serum (stem cells) and recovery cream (insulin growth factors).
Initial treatment with the therapist (incl. products / needles)
Initial treatment with the doctor (incl. products /needles)
5 residual treatments four weekly with therapist
5 residual treatments four weekly with doctor
PRP treatments
Platelet Rich Plasma treatment is also used for scarring, acne scarring, wound care, burn wounds, hyperpigmentation, fine lines (e.g. eyes, cheek, crow’s feet, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, smokers’ lines), sexual disfunctions, hair loss, hair rejuvenation, sport injuries to omit cortisone, arthritis and cartilage conditions)
Vampire Facial - Platelet Rich Plasma rejuvenation
This treatment is where blood is taken from you, it is separated in a machine called a centrifuge. The platelets are extracted and then activated by mixing it with various activators. They secrete various factors that will stimulate regrowth, repair and regeneration. It is used in aesthetics to reduce risk of invasive procedures, scarring, acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, hair rejuvenation and stimulation. It can be used in the whole facial area, hair rejuvenation and hair stimulation. Areas that are mostly treated are the face, neck, scars (wound, burn, acne) over entire body, hair loss areas, and breast firming and rejuvenation.
One treatment (lasts up to two years)
(It can be used on its own or in combination with micro-needling)
P-Shot (penile treatment with PRP)
The P-Shot helps for longer, firmer and more sustainable erections, increased sexual stamina, helps lessen problems with premature ejaculation. It improves sensation and may help with enlargement. It also provides better sexual sensations and increased pleasure. It also helps for treatment for Peyronie’s Disease:
First Treatment
Follow Up Treatment
V-Shot (vaginal treatment with PRP)
The V-Shot is an all-natural, painless and non-surgical procedure that can rejuvenate and revitalize vaginal and clitoral function, alleviate bladder leakage, and give you dramatically improved sensitivity and significantly enhance your sex drive.
First Treatment
Follow Up Treatment
Sport or Joint Shot (sport injuries treated with PRP)
The Sports shot helps for the treatment of ligaments, tendon and joint injuries. It can also be used in chronic arthritis and cartilage conditions.
First Treatment
Follow Up Treatment
Lipolysis (fat dissolve) per ml
Phosphatidyl is injected into minor areas of concern, this causes remarkable inflammation and resolution of fat breakdown within 6 weeks. It can be used for lipo sculpting too.
Sclero-therapy is a medical procedure used to eliminate varicose veins and spider veins. Sclero-therapy involves an injection of a solution (generally a salt solution) directly into the vein. The solution irritates the lining of the blood vessel, causing it to collapse and stick together and the blood to clot. Over time, the vessel turns into scar tissue that fades from view.
Per Treatment (Usually three treatments are needed)
By using a needle a specific stich (thread - PDO) is placed, that strongly fixes to the skin. It is used for facial and body contouring. It is safe and secure and has long lasting effects more than a year. It is completely absorbable with no residual scarring or product.
V- Lift
Neck Lift
Sub-Malar Cheek
Chemical Peels
X-pert Peel with 5 acids (done by therapist)
(post peel serum and recovery cream used)
Gentle Enzymatic Kerato-peel with no acid (done by therapist)
Alkaline Foot peel (done by therapist)
Lipo-Laser body sculpting with GRAHL ™
Fast cavitation slimming system done by therapist (per session).
Three-in-One Laser Lipo-cavitation
Cellulite reduction with micro-needling
RF (radio frequency) facial
Breast firming
Stretchmark reduction with / without micro-needling
NOTE: This is a medical practice and according to HPCSA guidelines prices may not be displayed publicly.
Pease phone practice or email us for prices and or brochures.